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PostWysłany: Wto 9:08, 01 Mar 2011    Temat postu: 20070630 185827

该日志为用户上传的彩信日志。移动用户编辑短信YXB发送到1700加入Qzone游戏城,就可以和她/他一样随时随地用手机写图文并茂的Qzone彩信日志啦!还能设置QQ空间更新提醒短信通知。现在加入还能获赠120点植物营养液哦!资费12元/月Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interes
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