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PostWysłany: Sob 22:23, 19 Mar 2011    Temat postu: mens air max 2009 5673

The Big Debate About Specialty Merchandise Corporation
There is a fairly big debate about Specialty Merchandise Corporation (SMC) on the internet concerning whether SMC is a scam or whether it is a legitimate opportunity to make money. This article will explore that debate. The first necessary step is to clarify the definition of a scam. While the exact wording of the definition varies from source to source, a scam can generally be defined as a trick or a fraud where a trickster or company preys on the good nature of a person and tricks them with greed and dishonesty. The same definition can be applied to a ��rip-off��. The Case Against Specialty Merchandise Corporation Being A ScamThe nature of the case against Specialty Merchandise Corporation is a straightforward one. There are many negative reviews on the internet that state that SMC is a scam because it makes false promises that you can make big money from selling their products and that those making the complaints were charged for things they did not want or were not told about. But this is not the reality. The first allegation is that SMC says you can make big money from selling their products. This is completely true. There are many success stories of people either earning a living from their sales or at least making a good deal of extra money. These testimonials are not just from their website, but genuine success stories from people all over America making a success of membership with Specialty Merchandise Corporation. Furthermore, if you watch one of SMC��s advertisements or visit their official website, you will see that at no point does SMC guarantee you can make big profits. Indeed on the homepage of the official website it clearly says that there is ��huge profit potential. �� But huge profit potential and guaranteeing huge profits are two totally different things that the people who have written negative reviews have simply got mixed up. At no place on the website is a guarantee made. Indeed SMC states at different points during advertisements and on the website that to succeed you need ambition and drive. Sales will not happen by themselves. Therefore this allegation against Specialty Merchandise Corporation is completely false. The second allegation is that members are charged extra fees without being told about them. Specifically, most complaints focus on renewal fees and monthly website hosting fees. But a look on SMC��s website at the membership join-up page clearly states that if people choose to opt for the free website, a monthly hosting charge would apply. This is clear to see and not deceitful in any way. Members do not have to purchase this website or pay the hosting fees. It is widely known that several companies offer free websites and free hosting, although some advertisements will be placed on the website. With regard to renewal fees,ferragamo shoes on sale, these are clearly laid out in the SMC standard membership rules which are easily viewable on the website. Therefore it can be concluded that this second allegation against SMC is completely false. Everybody has a responsibility to thoroughly read the relevant terms and conditions of any contract they sign. SMC cannot be blamed for those who do not do this. Having proved that Specialty Merchandise Corporation is not a scam, an important point must be made in regard to negative reviews directed at SMC on the internet. Some of these are genuine reviews from people who feel genuinely let down by SMC. As has been clarified above, these people made the mistake of failing to take the time to fully understand what they were being asked to pay, and what it would take to become successful. Many of the negative reviews however are not genuine. They are completely made up reviews from SMC��s competitors designed purely for the purpose of putting people off SMC in the hope they will join their company instead. There are thousands of good things about the internet, but this is a negative trend on the rise. Something very similar is happening in the hotel and bed & breakfast business. Always be aware when reading these negative reviews that many of these reviews are fake. Is SMC A Genuine Money Making Opportunity? This is the second part of the internet debate about Specialty Merchandise Corporation. There are a lot of people who, while recognizing that SMC is a legitimate company and not a scam, do not believe that big money can be made by joining SMC. The simple answer to this question is yes, SMC is a genuine money making opportunity. However that does not mean everybody will be able to do it. The simple fact is that those who say you cannot make good money by joining SMC are simply those who have tried and failed. Instead of looking at themselves as the reason for failure, they blame the corporation. This is another modern trend. As mentioned earlier SMC never pretends that everyone who joins them will be able to make big money. To do that, you will need a strong ambition and determination to succeed, plus the ability to sell. If you are not good at selling or do not wish to become good at selling, you are not likely to make a lot of money by joining SMC. But to be fair,mens air max 2009, SMC never pretends that you can. The ConclusionOverall it can be concluded that Specialty Merchandise Corporation is without question not a scam, and is a genuine money making opportunity. For those people who still have doubts about the company,buy moncler online, there are two things that they should do. The first is to have a thorough look at the SMC website and to read it with an open mind. Everything about the company and its policies are pretty clear but if you have any questions, you can call them during business hours. You can also check out other home selling companies. You will find that although each company is different, many work in similar ways to SMC. You can even read the reviews, both good and bad. You may find that they are similar too. Learn more on how SMC Corp became the brand entrepreneurs and potential customers talk about. Not yet convinced? Read about the true facts about smc corp scam for more information,ferragamo pupms!Topics related articles:

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