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PostWysłany: Pon 13:16, 21 Mar 2011    Temat postu: Looking at the stars and dedicated

you and me under a heavy rain far away from the premises, choice of sunny night Fake watches, tiptoe, looking upward Tag heuer watches, looking at the stars, feeling very dedicated.
- Inscription.
a person walking in the quaint and quiet of the stone steps, next to a beautiful girl with open arms, adhere to a balanced step by step, stone steps next to the stage in the corner of walk ...

I was watching her perfect, but she had fallen into my unexpected embrace.
I firmly hug her happy, let her be the slightest damage. Wind with her body smell jasmine in my world around, the sunset flush mounted to her face.
so she and I met, she said her name was recalled ...

I know how to remember the beginning and would like to measure every day to find some silly reason and memory access. Memories are always showing her stunning dimpled smile on me pan. At this point in my mind that the memory is the most beautiful, most perfect flawless.
so my memories ... I love a lot every day to collect the things happy retired and sit until the night, lying on the grass, looking at the stars, come and share memories of the joy of the day. Pleasant memories of the time will blink her two large eyes, it seems that the sky was the brightest galaxy in the number of stars, twinkle Replica watches, twinkle ...

But slowly I began to recall a little bored, because Memories are always so sad, she will always remember me and tell her happy, she and I will always remember the most sad thing to say ... until I talk to each location and memories to those who are best remembered for the negotiations, each without anybody knowing who have left tears and memories ...

I still remember walking in the sad years, till I get sick ...

not a cold, doctors say He has never seen the disease, I do not know how to treat ... I have been lying in bed helpless, weak rush figure, pale face more and more narrow ...

until the middle of the night, the same Great summer night, stars in the sky blinked.
memories come to me, memories of me that my illness was her victims, each with her love of people will have the disease! Because she was too sad memories with everyone and her will always be sad continues until this illness.
recalled that she separated from me, this disease will get better naturally ...

my furious shaking of the head Rolex, I recall hoarsely screams that I do not want this final I do not want you to leave.
memories cling to me, and tears, propped me with her hand grabbed my fingers to the sky: a fool, is a dreamy memories, recall only memories, to say you are now looking at the stars, see, see but not touch. But you have to have had the feeling down to earth, only the sense, always try to be strong to move on, do not want memories, memories will always be happy ...

the flowers opened, the butterfly hiding inside & hellip ; memories gone, I said the disease also by memories of a good ...

forward in the effort I have been walking down to earth ... sometimes I laugh looking at the stars against it, because I know I forward will be to recall facts happy! ...
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