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PostWysłany: Pią 1:49, 22 Kwi 2011    Temat postu: nike shoes cheap Problem -based learning problems

Problem-based learning on design issues

Chinese papers League finishing. [Abstract] problem-based learning (PBL) is to enable students to solve some structure around the poor,mbt scarpe, the real problem for a targeted, practical learning. As a unique teaching model, more and more widespread attention. Problems in PBL, plays a very important role, therefore, necessary to discuss the question of which features and designs. [Key words] PBL problem design PBL (Problem-Based Learning, hereinafter referred to as PBL) is to enable students to solve some structure around the poor, the real problem for one kind of targeted, practical learning. It is the 20th century, 60 years the United States designed specifically for medical learning. At the time, Bo Luo (Barrow) found that medical students graduate with often just a lot of expertise to master, but in practice the knowledge they use very limited. So he tried to create real problems through the scene, so that students master the process of problem solving knowledge, develop critical skills. Thus, McMaster Medical School (McMaster MedicalSchool) the creation of the first special in the classroom learning environment, that is, problems begin to resolve the problem the main line, the teaching profession as This is America, Now, PBL has been used as a unique teaching model, more and more widespread attention. In the PBL, the problem plays a very important role. So the question of the design also is very important. PBL in this paper to discuss the problem and how it is designed. First, the importance of the importance of the problem, we can be both static and dynamic point of view. First, from the perspective of a static role in the PLB. Problem-based learning model has three basic elements: the problem situation, students and teachers. Problem situation is the organization of the core curriculum. When students are in you can look at things from multiple perspectives the environment, the problem situation can attract and maintain the interest of students to enable them to actively seek solutions to the problem. Period, the students are working to solve the problem, they identify the crux of the problem, find a good method to solve the problem, and efforts to explore and understand the problem of practical significance,coach outlet, and become self-learning ability of learners. When students solve problems of teachers working partners, they set a good example for students demonstration of interest and enthusiasm; teachers are in the process of student problem-solving guide, who actively create a supportive learning environment of open inquiry. The initial motivation for learning problems and challenges, its structure is not clear, there is no simple, fixed, the only correct answer, but it can provoke students to explore and seek solutions to the desire to continue learning needs and build links. [1] Secondly, from the perspective of a dynamic role in the PBL. For the PBL process, different scholars have different models, Barrows is a very representative model, we here look at his model, he generally put the process of PBL is divided into the following aspects [2]: 1. Organization groups: exploring the question, students must first form a study group, mutual understanding or knowledge of cooperative learning for the creation of a good interpersonal atmosphere. 2. Start a new one: a small amount of information to provide ... a complex issue, student teams to conduct systematic analysis of the problem, the definition and redefinition, to clarify the terminology and concepts, lists of possible explanations, the formation of learning goals. In solving problems,polo outlet online, students and teachers to the goal of problem solving a common understanding of the knowledge needed to solve the problem (such as definitions, facts, concepts, etc.) agreement. 3. Follow-up: a collection of team members, communicate what they have learned, what new learning they generate a new hypothesis to solve the problem. 4. Activity report: The team used a variety of different forms to report their own conclusions, and concluded that the process, such as the mathematical analysis, charts, oral presentations, theater performances. 5. Problems of reflection: students must consciously reflect on problem-solving process to refine the learned. PBL from either a static model of the three basic elements, or from the dynamic model of the process of PBL, the problem has always been at the core. PBL is mainly around one or a series of issues, and to clarify the circumstances surrounding the problem, causes and consequences of goal-oriented. The process of teaching is also the problem solving process of inquiry. Learner's activities and awareness of issues from the beginning to understand the issues surrounding the date and nature. Therefore, the problem as the center is a prominent feature of PBL's. Therefore, the question of the design also is very important. II, PBL problems the meaning of the definition of the problem, Chinese and foreign academics, professional dictionaries have different definitions. With all kinds of relevant literature, we generally believe that PBL in the knowledge and skills required the participation of all students; the second level is the refinement of the first-level problems and questions, that is made based on the first level, a number of more specific problems related to the knowledge of a relatively small and skills, only part of the participation of students or individual students. [3] Third, PBL characteristics of the problem So, what kind of problems can be called a good question? We believe that a good question should have the following characteristics in certain areas: the problem itself quite interesting, can stimulate students to explore desire; answers to questions contained in a clear concepts or skills; issues a variety of solution, the solution involves different branches or areas; problems can be promoted. [4] and in the design of PBL problems, the problem should reflect the following characteristics: 1. Raises the issue must be related with the concept of field theory. In the design problem, students need to determine first the basic concepts and principles of design to solve this problem starting. 2. Question should be dysplasia (ill-strucred), open (open-ended),nike shoes cheap, the real and complex. From a psychological point of view, the problem area can be divided into well-structured problems and ill-structured problems in the field. Well-structured problem solving process areas and answers are stable, ill-structured problems are often not the field of law and stability. PBL structure in question should be negative. This is also a major feature of PBL model. Off the field f well-structured problems and ill-structured problems in the field of difference, Gallagher has made the following comparison (see Table 1), from which we can ill-structured problems in the field to see some of the basic features. [5] The problem of ill-structured problem also means that should be of sufficient complexity, with many interrelated parts, each part is very important. Meanwhile, the question should be true, and students in real life or in the future in their career may encounter problems that are similar to the experience of the learner to be able to resonate with the world. This ill-structured, open, real, complex problems can help students use of strategic knowledge, the development of strategic thinking is conducive to learning transfer students.


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