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PostWysłany: Nie 15:24, 28 Lis 2010    Temat postu: ghd Professor Yu Dan classical sentence

1. Time does not wait for me, is that you forgot me, I never forget the firefly left hand, right hand and a long contemplation in a decade.
2. Every man is a king in his own world domineering aspect, you do not listen to me, but you do not let me listen to you.
3. to a person's location is only so much you can impart only so much in this small circle, some people want to come in, there are some people had to leave.
4. is always on a strange road, watching strange scene and listening to strange music, and then in a casual moment, you will find that things had pains really want to forget so forget the.
5. Not every endeavor will be fruitful, however, every effort must be harvested, it is an unfair proposal irreversible
6. memory is down to the water in the palm, whether you spread out Hold still, will eventually flow drop by drop from the fingers clean.
7. I forgot what day of what month in which the wall where I carved a face with a sad smile, staring at my face
8. We said, smiling at the time of our stay place in fact already been swept away by flood of silent
9. Some people will always be engraved in memory, even forgetting his voice, forgot his smile and forget his face, but believe of him every time the kind of ideas are never changed
10. who never spoke before the separation of people, already scattered in the horizon of the.
11. You never see when I look like the most lonely, because only when you are not with me, I was the most lonely.
12. Who is who lives in the guest, who is in the wheel of life, past life of the dust, present in the wind, soul and spirit of endless grief.
ultimately are not someone who
13 . it has no long grass Orioles legend, it will always live in the real inside, fast drums, haste figure, numbness, eyes, fake smile, and I am being assimilated
14. time has not taught me anything , but I do not easily taught to believe in the myth
15. leave, to keep things simple, people become good, like a child, we start again.
16. a wounded beast, it can travel to a cave to hide himself, and then lick their wounds, you stick to, but once they are being, it can not stand
17. wound just like me , is a stubborn child, wasted to heal, because the heart is warm and humid place, suitable for growing anything.
18. because I know you are easy to worry about kids, so I cross the length in your hands but did not dare to fly too far.
19. One day I will quietly walk away from your side, without any sound. I missed a lot, I'm always sad one.
20. I look at you as now, smile silent, proud, lost, so I follow you follow you happy and sad, but I always stand now but you never stay in the past.
21. If we are all children, can stay in the time of the place, sitting together while listening to stories that never grow old while slowly Haoshou.
22. When you really love something when you can find language how vulnerable and powerless. Divide the text and feel forever.
23. forget that we should not change the fate of everything is not aligned like all the drawings back to the former than in the past extended little by little, so the stagger slowly to perhaps stagger the things we really should be forgotten the
24. What is happiness? Is to cover up their grief for everyone smile.
25. I do not like talking that day, but most, I do not like to laugh but always laughing, everyone says around my life so happy, so I also think you really happy. But why I'm suddenly a large group of friends to silence the crowd to see why a similar back to sad, to see the leaves fall off trees and crazy to forget the words I saw it was getting late warm yellow lights on the road forgotten their birthal direction ...
26. you gave me a tear, I'll see you all oceans
27. you laugh once, I can be happy for several days; can see you cry once , I am sad for several years.
28. lonely people will always remember the heart appear in his life of each person, so I always get enough to think of you in the fall of night over and over again for each star the number of my lonely
29 . hiding in a given time, miss some time with the palm; hiding in a given location, also stand to miss a standing antecedents road, let me worry about the people.
30. Take my hand, eyes closed you will not get lost.
31. If one day we are not together, but also the same as together.
32. the original and the children slightest word is never happy, happy like the fun of their children, wandering into the sky, wandering back to the sky still would not
33. those after carved back Would love the flowers, like the concrete floor out of the end of time with no breeze in the forest
34. Do not imagine to be ideal, not hypoimportante to be passionate. Everything contentment.
35. From the moment the pupa cocoon is torn the skin off the pain felt heart and lungs a lot of butterflies are radical intervalthrough in the pain the moment is dead.
36. We have been searching for someone, that we have the ending
37. At that moment, I seem to hear the voice of the world collapse.
38. is brave too long I decided to live one for you.
39. I stand too long, too long to say I am tired, how can you still do not understand? I write too much too long I have written tired, you still can not understand how?
40. **** airport stopped a while, people here are with their own direction, and hurried off, hurried down, take away someone else's story, leaving his memories.
41. I'm sad like a melancholy sunset like the birds, the birds fly into my melancholy sunset like sadness.
42. the whole world to leave you I'm here and the hell with us rampant.
43. my tears stayed, irrigation of the soft grass below, do not know the coming year, will not quote sizes for a place of memory and sorrow..
44. birds of the air, your loneliness than I, or my sadness than you, the rest of the time, you with me, okay, so you're not lonely, I will not be sad ... ...
45. If the wait can be exchanged for a miracle, I prefer to wait, even a year, or a lifetime!
46. we are like the surface of the needle, rotated, side turn, watching the time rush to leave, but could do nothing
47. I always stare Shen month that the 41baneful evil144999101cd48be745c3b41c121 and homeless sadness
48. cello sound like a river, I can not forget the left bank of memories, I should seize the right bank of the bright Love, in the middle flow is a contact of sadness I One year!
49. I do not know the time of death, staring at the sky even back then the desolate, sleet Snowbird soon as soon as the sorrow and slanting sweep days away, I saw the faces of your blue sky above the dark green So I laughed, because I see you, happy like a child grow up.
50. Friends are always for you shelter from the storm, if you take the snow in the distance, but I can not, I will pray for those who come snow on me.
51. If I recall it as rough iron is the smile or cry, as if the corrosion of steel like that here is the memory of joy, or the ruins of the city?
52. Firestone noise and bright, worldly pleasures and happiness as apparent streams, in the wind, in front of me, Mimi and over, as warm as spring water pouring out, I did not expect, I want you happy, not sad.
53. If you can be with you, I would rather make the sky all the stars all the hurt down, because your eyes, most of my life bright light.
54 .. \
55. or matches that of the good, her lower body that men are animals. The men kept to the rest of his life you say to your happiness is the happiness that you lower body
56. Holding your hand, whether it is where I feel like moving in heaven running.
57. memory like rotting leaves, those insolent green has long been buried in that time scale of the front, only stay in the overwhelming smell of decay time scale of the tail.
58. Dengying pulp in the days of acoustic string and wind sing the dream still cold Shuiyou Han Shan Wai Shan Restaurant Filled mountains outside the architecture who were not also did not return
Yan Zi Fuqin Lethe back earlier than the tears of people rustling over shirt covered with shoulder shoulder covered with flowering flute 寒窗
Jiang Sheng Yan Bo residue in the film Where is the southern
59. They had an ambiguous when they are ambiguous
60. joy and happiness so similar, but happiness is happiness you?

fifty-four little about human nature summary

1, a man bragging, that what is missing inside
2, the more a person care about is the place where most his inferiority.
3, the first judgment people have to be good or bad habits, that a person is good, will ask some questions that a person is detrimental, will be doly denied.
4, the more proud of the things people, the more love hide, the more painful the more love fuss.
5, the world is neither the rich world, nor the right people in the world, it is the caring people of the world.
6, the killer of marriage and sometimes not having an affair, but time.
7, when you no longer have anything to lose the time, that is, when you start to get.
8, learning to add, proud to be abated, the chance to take the lazy to be clear upd.
9, the ignorance of childhood, cute, funny boy ignorance; ignorance of the poor youth; deplorable ignorance of the middle-aged, pathetic ignorance of old age.
10, who allowed a strtemper's fortune, but can not tolerate the promotion of a closedown person. Befactor the same level of contrast between the existence of conflicts of interest, and with strangers does not exist this trouble.
11, a woman like a man, she would like to hear a lie; When a woman hate a man, she would like to hear the truth.
12, if you borrow too much money to a person, the person you will become harmful.
13, modern marriage is the product of emotion, is the crystallization of contest.
14, the enemy turned ally mostly in order to survive, ally into an enemy mostly for money.
15, there is a much lesscome happiness, happiness has been seeking a senior.
16, failed genius is fools!
17, 1% of the world, people are eating a small loss rather than the horse, and 99% of the people Zhanxiaopianyi suffer a great deal. Most successful people are from the 1%.
18, who live to eat so if it is not called rice meal, called the feed.
19, Americans are easy to learn Chinese, learn Chinese, the Chinese people is arduous.
20, one lucky premise, in fact, his ability to change themselves.
21, who grew to accept the four aspects of schooling: parents, instructers, books and society. Interestingly, the latter always seem to run counter to the previous three.
22, run their own strengths, make your life value; run your weaknesses, make your life depreciation.
23, life is like a green leaf, over time, gradually become yellow, but his veins still so obviously visible.
24, things become complicated very simple, simple things become very complicated.
25, if it is trees, grass, even in the best companies, you have long not a tree. If so, it is better after the storm, to train themselves into precious flowers.
26, the toil of the twenty-first century survival regulation is: build a personal brand, put your name into money.
27, father is a filial fear, and henpecked love.
28, no unqualified students, only unqualified parents.
29, the earth is in motion, a person will not always be in a bad rank.
30, we can avoid all but immune to a fly. That affords our lives are often unhappy Zhimaxiaoshi.
31, there is a person only two things: you are successful, he envy you; you fail, he laugh at you.
32, stupid man + dumb woman = marriage; dumb man + smart woman = divorce; Smart man + dumb woman = affair; Smart man + smart woman = romance.
33, any fool can lure a girl; know how to leave her, but only mature men can.
34, who has two eyes, all parallel, so it should be equality of Man; human ear is divided into two on either side, so we can not hear one-sided bias; men, though only one heart, but there are about two a heart, so the work must not only insist for themselves, but also for other people conclude.
35, companies must have stolen not,ghd, can not be bought, was not able, smooth away, unique resources can not afford to slip.
36, slip of the tongue is accidentally telling the truth.
37, in good faith does not mean to blame the faults of others, but it certainly does not mean that compliment the faults of others.
38, human nature is greedy, but not greedy society would not advance.
39, love is like a person's heart, marriage is tied to a person's heart, love is the swallow a person's heart
40, the best offense is a good offense themselves.
41, the meaning of life is not to get a good hand, but rather to lay a worthless hand.
42, success is a concept of wealth is an obligation, happiness is a right.
43, competition, and in fact is a kind of friendship, help improve your opponent's clever degrees, fear of competition, people have lost the match.
44,ghd hair straightener price, the money can help handle the problem of the poor, but help the rich create problems.
45, the love invested in one person, adventure; to invest in a lot of people who love and dangerous.
46, just can not figure out the world's people, not a dead end road.
47, the real wealth is a way of thinking, not a month revenue figures.
48, a person would like to mediocrity, to block rarely; a person to outstanding,ghds, stoppageping by a lot. Many mediocre harmonious relationship with the people around, many outstanding people who strained relationships with the surrounding.
49, married men and women did not dare, \
50, third-rate make-up make-up is the face; second-rate make-up make-up is the spirit; class make-up make-up of life.
51, \
52, is a hero revealn, is reflected talent, is the fools revealed.
53, \
54, three rows, must be my teacher, Three Musketeers, there must be a strong, triangle, there must be an injury.

Professor Yu Dan's life motto

a person's vision of this has two functions: one is to go out, to expand infinitely wide world; the other is inward, the infinitely deep to discover the heart.
▲ and down the down time, you forprovide others, in fact, is to supply myself to a brighter future. -
▲ recognize the reality of the inadequacies of life, and through their own efforts to make up the shortfall. -
▲ sense, what one person in mind, is what he saw. -
▲ much confusion is because vision is not big enough, how can you know what frogs do a brighter future? -
▲ with optimism and positive attitude, a good grasp of the sense of proshare with people, so that others allow themselves to be a happy man, make yourself happy heart to be like the sun's life to radiation others, warm others, so that their families Friends and even the wider society, who get little from their appreciation of the factors. -
▲ \-
▲ \He acts on this earth expansion. -
▲ Chinese philosophy advocates a dignified, rational and gentle beauty. -
▲ true harmony is much more than a harmony between dwellerial neighborhood, not just the harmony between people, but also the earth of harmony and happiness in all things grow; people in the natural world, there is a fright, there is a responsive, there is a tacit understanding. -
▲ physical sense it is just a happy life indicators, while the real feeling from the heart for regime stability and recognition comes from faith.
▲ Sage only genuine, can not be burdened with physical material, can remain tranquil and peace of mind share. -
▲ more competitive, more requisition attitude adjustment, and adjustment of relations with others. -
▲ your tolerance point, in fact, to render myself to a brighter future. -
▲ care for others is kindness; to know others is wisdom. -
▲ in the world is now the most important people you need help, the most important thing is to do right away, the most important time is now, and that can not be delayed. -
▲ everyone's life, we inevitably have shortcomings and disappointments, and perhaps we can not change the fact that we can deviate the attitude to look at these things. With a peaceful attitude towards life in regret and suffering. -
▲ If you miss the sun, crying, then you also miss the stars. -
▲ virtuous from anxiety, a wise man baffleed, afraid of the brave, strong heart can resolve a lot of regrets in life. -
▲ To carry out a strong mind, a prerequisite is to look at light worldly goodss of the gain and loss. -
▲ There is a heart under the constraints of reason and calm self-confidence, because he has a big heart and lofty aspirations. -
▲ fact, as we have a half bottle wine, pessimists say: such a good earne, how got left half a bottle of it? Optimists say: there is such a good half bottle of wine too! -
▲ If your heart is very light and spacious, very benevolent, you have a frank and courageous, you may reap the many unexpected things. -
▲ you want to do a people want to talk to you can talk to you, the crucial is you have a light and spacious hearts. -
▲ complain straight, with kindness,ghd australia shop, to promote efficiency is a way of life and personality of the statue crazye. -
▲ something all right if you always follow the king (leader) next, although that close, but not far away from their own shame incurred a; you something is always with friends next to nothing,ghd price sydney, although the look together, but away from you two alienated not be far behind. -
▲ to the spirit of equality and rational attitude to respect everyone, to each other to stay a little sense of proportion, there is little room. Flowers did not open, not round on. This is the best human realm, once fully open flowers, soon faded, but the month once the full round, the defect soon. But not full not full circle, so that your heart is still something to look forward, have vision. -
▲ How do their government, first and foremost the principle of doing things, to pay attention to moral, followed by ways of doing things, much less words or more lines; cautious, that is, speak to be careful not to say that they can not do. -
▲ to think, think, listen more, see, like words, Cautious advantage of doing so is to make your own less regret. One thing we do before the first think that the consequences of the distance we have to think about things first, and then carefully cautious, so as to avoid harm to others, to reduce their own regrets after. Use the words mind, you have to consider the consequences, this is a very important point when dealing with others. -
▲ \\\Self-cultivation, good self, is the starting point. -
▲ with optimism and positive attitude, a good grasp of the sense of proportion with people, allow themselves to be the person to make others happy, make yourself happy heart to be like the sun's energy to radiation other people, warm people. -
▲ inside a person is not a \ultimate goal. -
▲ villain is no big vision, to seize the front of the small cheap people. -
▲ build a harmonious society is to bring everyone into the jeopardizeony of different voices in the collective voices. Adhere to the true harmony is in different voices and deviateent points of scene, under the premise of a tolerance for others, a kind of integration.
▲ gentleman is always the strength of action, rather than the power of language. -
▲ we should make those who can improve their character, improve self-cultivation, rich content of your people. Make those happy, enjoy life, Anpinyuedao friends. -
▲ true joy in life is spiritual happiness, it is sometimes not necessarily the material life and the external are closely connected. The power of true happiness, wealth from the heart, from the kind of education, from the vision of the ideal, but also from and discussions and exchanges with the Liangpengyiyou. -
▲ every adult has his glory and pain of life, real friends Do not to touch his pain. -
▲ young people are living with the addition, but to a certain level, we must learn to live with the subtractionion. If your heart is filled with the proceeds, and finally will obtain tired on. -
▲ choose a friend, is to choose a way of life. Their own self-cultivation is a prerequisite make friends, to ourselves to open the most friendly world. Can make your life with glory. -
▲ ambition one substantial decision of his life direction. -
▲ seem today, a advance often is not the ultimate ideal of how lofty, but in front of what kind of a starting point. We often do not lack grand Wai Chi, and the lack of choices leading to that built up step by step practical way. -
▲ successful career, not necessarily the ideal in your heart. -
▲ someone does the time to know what etiquette is, shame on myself to be bound inside a firm and uncompromising proclamations of life, while socially helpful, to do things for the community. -
▲ ideal step is to offer us a little happy soul reserve resources. -
▲ limited knowllimit to learn to digest and integrate into their lives. To the side of science, he is thinking that, while application. -
▲ At thirty, this \At thirty is to build confidence in the mind. Sanshierli not by an external measure of social coordinates if you have success, but by the standards of internal balance within the mind whether your life has a lucid introspection and calm, started doing their own With a sense of confidence and determistate. -
▲ material things the more people the easier it is confusing. -
▲ growth is increasingly powerful in the heart in life experiences, life is returning in the so-called external things is to become the inner strength -
▲ we know what is inside there is a constant force to deal with the outside world -
▲ heart only to establish their own value system to the pressure into a tension of life -
▲ \\
▲ our eyes and see the outside world too much, too little to see the mind.
▲ Sometimes coufury is rational under the constraints of a calm and confident.

virtuous benevolence of people have the mind can be truly brave. -
▲ man of arrogance, pride is the inner strength of character.

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